Before class:

Clean your skin and come to class fragrance free. Please do not smoke or use cannabis before class. The smell remains in the fabric and it’s also a courtesy for the people surrounding you. Please don’t wear any cologne or perfume.

Wear a shirt with sleeves, long or short. We really appreciate you not wearing tank tops or yoga tops. It helps keep the hammocks fresh and fragrance free also. This also protects your skin from fabric burn or bruising.

Store your jewelry or plan to take it off before class. No watches, necklaces, anklets or bracelets or rings with prongs, stones, or anything that could catch the hammock.

Let the teacher know if you have any injuries or conditions and check with your doc or np before taking aerial class. Contradindications for inversions include pregnancy at all stages, high and very low blood pressure, botox on the first day, eye,ear, nose, mouth surgery that is recent/healing. Pressure goes to the head so anything that might not respond well to the additional blood flow or pressure is a reason not to invert. You may be able to do the rest of the practice, though! Check with your provider first.

During class:

Listen to the teacher’s cues and let them know if you have difficulty hearing.

Avoid getting ahead of the teacher, slow down your movements, and avoid trying anything that hasn’t been suggested or teacher led.

Rest anytime. Rest in the hammock or on the mat. Opt out of any posture or movement and follow your body wisdom.

We celebrate first inversions and sometimes other postures landed for the first time. Expect some laughter, cheers, and other community support. It’s common here.

After class:

Clean your mat if you borrowed one. Fold blankets and put props away.

Ground yourself before you drive.

Ask any questions or ask for a photo if you’d like one.

Drink some water.

Remember you could be a little bit sore the next day and some postures can leave mild bruises. Arnica could help with either and is available at many stores.

You might feel taller, euphoric, relaxed, and ready to book another class.


Robin Payton