New month, new season just ahead, and time for deep renewal of body, mind and spirit. Every day is another opportunity to re-set and feel better in your body. Aerial Yin is a deep stretch practice to open stuck, stagnant energy in the body and the mind. Lengthen, elongate, hydrate, and awaken with sustained postures including hip and heart openers, leg stretches, and other yin postures taken in the hammock or using the hammock as a prop.
Once the body is prepared to rest and restore, yoga nidra will be offered. This guided meditation helps free repetitive thought patterns and leaves the mind more spacious for intuition, creativity and solutions. Yoga Nidra will include a Sound Bath to even more deeply address the nervous system.
$39, spaces are limited to the number of hammocks
RSVP in advance with payment by venmo to @Robin-Payton-1 or arrange another form of payment