The Gifts of Sound Series continues on this date with Rachel, and on Nov 16th & 17th for practitioner level training with Sr Devi Melissa to create and guide effective sessions. Please feel welcome to take just one or two workshops. Take the whole series and be prepared to begin or more skillfully continue your sound bath practices.
Intuitive singing is such a specialized offering! Rachel will move you from skeptical to natural & confident in your own voice. She will also introduce harmonizing with instruments.
Rachel Rivera is a Sound Healer & classically trained opera singer with a BFA in music. She is also an elementary school music teacher, creative writer & Reiki Master. Rachel completed some of her sound healing training at the Omega Institute in New York.
Rachel has been leading sound baths and trainings here at Leaping Waters since 2022.
She sings intuitively and will share her process and knowledge with you.
$96 for this worksho
Bowls may be helpful in your process, but are optional. Bring your own if you have one or more.
Please Venmo $96 to @Robin-Payton-1 when you sign up or request to pay with credit card
Thank you!