Hello, Everyone!

I write this as we move into the 12th month of 2022. This fall was pure magic in Leaping Waters studio as we moved deeper into the practices of energy work, sound healing, and crystals. In the new year, that’s where we’re headed, with more sound, more energy balancing sessions, & more knowledge about chakras and crystals and how to care for the subtle body, your emotional self and life force.

As you learn & grow in your awareness, every workshop, class or self care session also supports an artist, healer, teacher, energy worker in this community. When you invest in you, you also invest in them and in this studio community. It’s a win/win. Thank you.

More and more classes will include sound practices to help balance your energy in subtle, yet often tangible ways. This is my late 2022 and new year intention for Leaping Waters. On Sunday, November 27th, experience this at monthly Yin & Restorative Yoga class as Mario Escamilla offers a sound bath with his crystal bowls and rainstick. Class is 6:00-7:15 with a 15 minute sound bath to close our session. The yoga portion will be guided by me. This is a regular class and Mario is volunteering his energy and time, so it’s $20/regular class pass rate.

On Wednesday, December 21st, Sri Devi Melissa Urey and I co-host our Winter Solstice Yoga Nidra with Sound Bath by Sri and yoga nidra led by me. Aerial hammock meditation and rest. 7:00-8:15 pm $35

Absorb and bask in the magic.

On Wednesday, December 28th 6:00-7:15 pm, meet Nico DePamphellis for Connecting to Crystals. Bring crystals or borrow some here and learn about personal connection to crystals and ways to use them including an intro to the crystal grid. $35

I will be there for the workshop as we gather inside Breathing Room, our sister studio adjacent to LW

In January, we have two Chakra workshops! Saturday January 14th Intro to Chakras with Rose Weggler 2:00-3:30 pm $35

On Saturday, January 21st for New Moon, Crystals, Chakras and the Moon with me 2:00-3:30 pm $35

Quantum Level 1 Sound Practitioner Training with Kimber Lucier is happening Saturday Feb 4th and Sunday Feb 5th 12-5 pm and 11-4 pm. Registrations are in progress. $75 holds your space Tuition is $240

No prior experience necessary!

Thanks for helping me create all this magic & ripple it out into the community, region, world, universe, one energy session at a time, each individual connecting to so many others. This is how we create change.

Love & Gratitude!


Would you like to book a personal energy session with crystals and sound? email me at leapingwatersyoga@gmail.com

Robin Payton